Several people will be wearing their period garb at Family History Day. Below are just a couple beautiful examples of what you will see throughout the day. Say hello when you see them and learn about the clothing our ancestors wore in that era.
Suzanne Latimer in her 1906-era dress |
Suzanne Latimer (left) is gorgeous in her 1906 period dress, parasol and hat - all of which she made. (The transitional lenses are a more recent vintage.) She wore the dress at the California Admission Day celebration at the State Capitol. Suzanne is a docent at the California State Capitol, and a member of Root Cellar - Sacramento Genealogical Society and the Family History Day Publicity Committee.
Dian Price in her 1896 tea gown. |
Dian Price (left) is stunning in her 1896 tea gown. Dian is a long-time fan of period clothing and sews her own to wear at special events. She is a member of Root Cellar-Sacramento Genealogical Society and the Daughters of Utah Pioneers, and the Chairperson for the Family History Day Period Costume Wearers Committee.
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